Yes, we're still here! My sweet friend Alyssa has "tagged" me to post 8 random facts about myself... I have been thinking about this post for a while, but just haven't had the time to post. Plus, I have had a very hard time thinking about 8 random yet interesting facts about myself... after I read other people's I guess I realize that I am not as fascinating as I had hoped! Haha! But, I will try, so bear with me!
OK, Here are the rules...
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (if you don’t have a blog, email me)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
okey dokey, here we go!
1. I have been watching Days of our Lives since I was 10 years old. This is thanks in part to my friend Susan. Her older sisters used to watch it during the summer, and so of course we watched it with them. I am completely addicted to it. I DVR it every day and watch it in "batches" over the weekend and late at night. I know it is so corny, but there is something about it. I just love it! Oh, and Sami is by far my favorite character. Her blog link is on the left side of the screen!
2. My favorite, favorite lunch ever would be: A PB and J on squishy white bread with creamy peanut butter and grape jelly; cheetos; chocolate milk (from the store, not made with Quick or something); and Oreos. And you all thought I liked veggies and healthy stuff!! LOL!!! Oh, and speaking of, I could eat my weight in ice cream- any day, any time. I am always up for a little ice cream!!
3. I am petrified of the dark, oceans, and heights. To this day, I won't walk into a dark room. I get completely freaked out going into water where I can't see the bottom. This includes oceans and lakes. I also freak out on planes, tall buildings and anything tall and manmade. Now, put me on top of a mountain and I am in heaven. Go figure.
4. My first "crush" was on Rob Lowe. Blame that on a sister being 8 years older than me! I think I was about 5 but I thought he was soooo cute! I still love watching him on Brothers and Sisters now.
5. If I could just pick up and move (with Marc and Ashley of course) anywhere in the world, with no reality strings attached, I would hop on a plane and be in Maui in a second. Marc and I went there on our honeymoon 4 years ago and I bet I think about it almost once a day. I absolutely loved it there! There was something about it. I have never felt so relaxed, freespirited and at peace anywhere else. I know it was a honeymoon and that can probably account for some of it, but I also think there is something to the "Aloha spirit" that you always hear about.
6. When I was younger, I took playing with Barbies to an extreme. My friends Katie and Jennifer and I would build whole barbie worlds out of cereal boxes and scraps of fabric. I also had a sketch notebook full of barbie clothes that I had designed. My favorite material was the stretchy stuff the cleaners put on the hangers to keep clothes from falling off. I made very edgy trendy tops, skirts and even shoes for them. Yeah, the whole one shouldered dress look?? That was my idea! I sketched that in about '84!!
Yes, I was and am a big ol' dork!
7. I listen to rap when I run. Normally I really don't like it, but when I run, it just gets me movin'! It is in stark contrast to the KLTY and Texas country that I normally listen to.
8. I take my shoes off as soon as I come in the door. I just think it feels so weird to walk around the house in shoes. Maybe I am part Chinese or something... ;) Marc on the other hand, will change after work into "play clothes" and immediately put on his tennis shoes. I used to ask him if he's going anywhere, and he'd just say no. What a weirdo! LOL... kidding! :)
Alright, that was tough! I was scraping the bottom of the barrel there at the end! But now for the fun part! I get to "tag" 8 more people!! If you don't have a blog, you can email it to me...
I tag
Katie Howard
Katie Haentsch (this can be your first post!!)
Debbie (like going to the dentist, right?!)
Monica (you can email me, or hey, start a blog!)
Summer (you can email me too!)
Have fun kids!!