Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ashley is TWO!!!!!

It is so hard to believe that my baby girl is now a two year old!!! Well, I say that but when she is saying her two favorite phrases "no" and "Ashley do it" I know without a doubt that she is most definitely two!! To celebrate her birthday, I tried to fill the day with all of her favorite things. Here is a recap:

We began the day with "cupcakes" (actually blueberry muffins). She loves muffins and we never have them, so thought this would be a great treat for her and it was! She loved watching them bake in the oven which she kept reminding me was "hot". Once they were out she proceeded to devour two of them!

Then we went to a splash park in Allen. We had never been to this one and it was so fun!! Lots of cool things to play with!

Marc came home at lunch and when Ashley woke up from her nap we opened presents. She got some fun toys, puzzles and books from us but her favorite thing was "special jammies". What are special jammies you may ask?? Well, since she was a newborn she has always slept in the footed PJ's that zip up. The night we got back from Mexico I realized that she didn't have any clean PJ's to sleep in except for the kind with the pants and shirt. So, I talked it up and called them special jammies hoping that she wouldn't mind the change. Well, she ate it up and wanted more!! Every night after that she asks to wear her "special jammies". So, for her birthday I got her two new pairs. Oh joy!!

The first James Avery bag... such a special moment in a girls life! :) We started her a charm bracelet for her birthday last year and this year we were able to give it to her to wear. It has a cake on it from her 1st and an A on it from her 2nd.

After presents Marc and I took her to the mall to play at the play area and have dinner at Chick Fil A (her favorite). I didn't plan it at all but the CFA cow happened to be there!!! What a great birthday surprise!! She is still talking about it!

After a delicious chicken dinner, we went for a ride on the "horsies" (carousel). As you can see, to say she enjoyed herself is an understatement!

Night, night my big girl!! (notice the blue socks... she picked them out herself. Another bonus of the special jammies!) The next morning was her party at the park!!

Her party was so fun!! It was a little chaotic with two other parties at the park and the first saturday of about 5 football practices. But all the people and noise just made it feel more like a big party!! Ashley had so much fun playing in the water, on the park and getting to see all of her friends and family. It was a great birthday. Here are a couple of the highlights:

Washing the cow. Very important. Obviously.
Grandad pushing Ashley on the swing. We had to promise surprises in her presents to get her out of there. Not even cake would move her away!
Ashley and her watermelon cake. (Being VERY good and keeping her hands in her lap as asked)
Having her cake and eating the numbers too
One of her favorite presents. A "Big Elmo Chair" that spins and plays "Elmo Says" with you. She loves it soo much!! And funny enough, so does Pete. He has taken to cuddling up in the chair when Ashley is sleeping!!
Post- party lounging!! Notice her leg cocked up on the table while she is munching on lunch! Classic!!
Taking a picture of TMX Elmo sitting in the elmo chair with her play camera. THIS is what makes my girl soooo happy. I don't know what that says exactly, but it's funny!!
The birthday girl with her new outfit, Crocs, baby doll and Elmo

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!!!

Oh, and for any that are wondering. She went to her well visit Monday. She is off the charts on height (surprised?) 90% in weight and head and doing very well in speech and motor skills. That's my girl!!!! :)

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