Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

PV 08

In July, Marc and I took Ashley on a family vacation down to Puerto Vallarta with all of Marc's family. It was so fun!! Ashley had such a great time playing with her cousins and we all enjoyed hanging out together. It was the same resort (Grand Mayan) that we went to last year, so this year we knew all the fun that was heading our way! Ashley loved all the pools, ocean and lazy river! Here are some of the highlights:

Our first morning there

This is the most random picture, I know! In the entry hall of the resort there are these HUGE 30 ft. tall Mayan warrior statues "guarding" the entrance. Ashley was not scared of them at all! In fact, she thought they were the coolest things there. Every day we had to go see "big toes" and then we would tickle the toes and see the "people" and the "hands". It was all very exciting! Even now, almost a month later, she still asks to see the "big toes" and when she is taking her babies in the stroller and you ask her where she is going she tells you she is going to see the "big toes". Weird, I know... but pretty funny!

There was a little train that went from one side of the resort to the other. Ashley was enthralled by it so one day we waited the 30 minutes to get on the train and took the whopping 8 minute ride traveling at a mind-spinning 3-4 mph. It was thrilling, really... and yes, we look hot because we ARE hot. It was about 90 with about 90% humidity. Good times... the things we do for our kids, right?? Well, the important thing is that Ashley loved it and spent the 30 min. prior bouncing from seat to seat to find just the right one. It was hard to get a "posed" picture!

Yea, train!!!

Swimming with Gran :)

There was a great little kids area that had tons of slides and sprinklers. This was by far Ashley's favorite spot to hang.

Nana gets a gold star!!

She was so wonderful looking after all the kids and cooking for everyone. I think she needed a vacation after her vacation!!

Marc and I went fishing with Marc's dad one day out in the Pacific just off the coast of PV. We had a great day and caught quite a bit of Tuna. Marc pulled in some big ones! I started to reel one in, but it was a little more than I could handle so Marc took over for me. After that I just sat back and watched the action.

Catch o' the day!

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